Investigation of students' motivation and anxiety at the Military academy ‘General Mihailo Apostolski' while learning English as a foreign language

Ivanova, Biljana and Trajanovska, Elena and Kirova, Snezana (2022) Investigation of students' motivation and anxiety at the Military academy ‘General Mihailo Apostolski' while learning English as a foreign language. Journal of Educational Sciences Theory and Practice, 17 (2). ISSN 1857 - 8705

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Consideration of learners’ anxiety reactions in learning to speak another language
by a language teacher is deemed highly important in order to assist them to achieve the intended
performance goals in the target language. This study has attempted to investigate the factors that
language anxiety can possibly stem from, both within the classroom environment and out of
classroom in the wider social context, and the motivation needed for improving that anxiety by giving
recommendations of a variety of strategies to cope with it. This study used a qualitative semistructured interview format and a focus-group discussion technique to investigate the issue. Students
of the Military Academy - ESL/EFL learners participated in the investigation. The findings suggest
that language anxiety can originate from learners’ own sense of ‘self’, their self-related cognition,
language learning difficulties, differences in learners’ and target language cultures, differences in the
social status of the speakers and interlocutors, and from the fear of losing self-identity. The
pedagogical implications of these findings for understanding second/foreign language anxiety for
enhancing learners’ communication abilities in the target language were discussed in accordance to
the anxiety level with the motivation needed, as are suggestions for future research.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Humanities > Languages and literature
Divisions: Faculty of Philology
Depositing User: Biljana Petkovska
Date Deposited: 03 Feb 2023 08:57
Last Modified: 03 Feb 2023 08:57

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