Standard operating procedures for communication, coordination and cooperation among the crisis management system entities in a declared crisis situation - Third amended edition -

Urim, Vejseli and Tarchugovski, Dragi and Risteski, Robert and Nakov, Petre and Naumovska, Gordana and Glavinov, Aleksandar (2016) Standard operating procedures for communication, coordination and cooperation among the crisis management system entities in a declared crisis situation - Third amended edition -. 614.8:35.077.3(497.7)(082), 351.78:35.077.3(497.7)(082), COBISS.MK-ID 101856266 . Crisis Management Center of the Republic of Macedonia, National and University Library “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Skopje. ISBN 978-608-65931-6-2

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This publication presents the Standard Operating Procedures for
Communication, Coordination and Cooperation among the Crisis Management
System Entities in a Declared Crisis Situation as systematic and institutional
This publication represents a synthesized representation of an integrated
material of the individual Standard Operating Procedures that vary depending on the
risk for which the crisis situation is declared i.e. points at its complex institutional
shaping, establishing and functional use as a manual.
The Standard Operating Procedures as a manual is intended primarily to be
used by the members of the Crisis Management Headquarters, which in the Crisis
Management System is the professional operational body managing the activities of
crises prevention and management, as well as by the operational decision makers
managing crises, and by public servants who are assigned temporarily to the Crisis
Management Center for performing specific tasks, as needed. The Standard Operating
Procedures are also to be used as reference material by the employees of the
ministries and other public institutions, municipal bodies and the city of Skopje,
public enterprises and companies involved in the preparations and execution of tasks
related to crises prevention. They should also be used as reference material by the
members of the regional crisis management headquarters.
Furthermore, the manual from an educational aspect can be used as a
reference literature by university students with major in crisis management, protection
and rescue, as well as by the students with major in security studies i.e. defense
studies. In addition they are also intended also as a reference material for the high
schools teachers who teach the peace and tolerance subject.
Taking into consideration the content and the elaborated crisis management
activities we believe that this manual could be a valuable reading for all the citizens
who for personal reasons need to broaden their knowledge in the area of crisis
management as part of their capacity building within the system in order to improve
their resistance to the security threats.
With the Standard Operating Procedures we round up the implementation of
the NATO-Partnership Goal “Crisis situation Management Including Dealing with the
Effects from Terrorist Acts” and by that the authors and the publisher make a contribution to the strengthening of the international position of the Republic of
Macedonia on its path towards full-fledged NATO membership.
The Standard Operating Procedures are product of the joint efforts and
commitment by the representatives from various governmental institutions –
stakeholders in the crisis management system, who have contributed with their
expertise, professionalism and intersectoral approach thus drafting a complex
publication that should result in a coordinated work of public institutions. Therefore
we would like to express our gratitude to the representatives of the institutions that
helped us with the drafting of the Standard Operating Procedures, and especially to
the representatives from the Ministries of Defense, Interior, Foreign Affairs, Health,
Economy, Environment and Physical Planning, Agriculture, Forestry and Water
Economy, Transport and Communications, Labor and Social Policy, Education and
Science, Finances, Culture as well as to the Intelligence Agency and the Directorates
for Radiation Safety and Protection and Rescue.
The third amended edition adds on to the Standard Operating Procedures the
experiences and the materials from the declared electricity supply emergencies from
2012 and the declared crisis situation due to the increased inflow and transiting of
migrants through the territory of the Republic of Macedonia in the course of
From the methodological aspect the manual is organized in IX chapters.
The first one establishes the conditions when the manual is to be used in
practice i.e. when a crisis situation is declared.
The second chapter elaborates on the functions and tasks of the institutions
that make the Crisis Management System at a national level, as the bases for each
institution for undertaking activities in accordance with the Standard Operating
The third chapter elaborates the procedures for analyzing the circumstances
in regard to the risks based on which a crisis situation is declared, as well as the way
they are presented in order to standardize the Standard Operating Procedures for
planned and optimal engagement of the institutions depending on the crisis analysis.
The fourth chapter covers the Standard Operating Procedures in regard to the
decision making process. The fifth chapter shows in detail the activities for managing (response and
support) each risk separately based on which a crisis situation would be declared on
the entire territory of the Republic of Macedonia or part of it, as well as the status
reports that also differ for each individual risk, and the draft operational decisions of
the Crisis Management Headquarters dealing with the allocation of resources (human,
material-technical and financial) in order to deal with the risk, which is the reason for
declaring a crisis situation.
The sixth chapter shows in details the activities for managing (response and
support) incidents/phenomena that individually cannot be used as grounds to declare a
crisis situation, regardless whether they are man-made or caused by nature or
technical-technological processes. They are treated as crisis situations because they
require the same resources as for managing risks for which emergency would be
declared on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia or part of it. In addition the
draft operational decisions of the Crisis Management Headquarters are presented that
are used when it is decided to use resources (human, material-technical and financial)
for direct risk/phenomenon management. Moreover, it shows the
incidents/phenomena status reports.
The seventh chapter standardizes the operating procedures for receiving,
allocation and distribution of international assistance and the eighth chapter
standardizes the public relations procedures.
The ninth chapter shows the Standard Operating Procedures on how to
declare the end of the crisis situation.
Finally, we provide templates for recommending international assistance,
activating sections of the Army in support of the police or the civil institutions,
establishing a joint media center, suspension of the crisis situation, withdrawal of
resources as well as a list of acronyms.

Item Type: Book
Additional Information: a) Crisis Management – Republic of Macedonia b) Procedures – Higher Education Textbook COBISS.MK-ID 101856266
Subjects: Engineering and Technology > Other engineering and technologies
Divisions: Military Academy
Depositing User: Aleksandar Glavinov
Date Deposited: 08 Apr 2019 09:17
Last Modified: 08 Apr 2019 09:17

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