Denkova, Jovanka (2018) Дневничката адолесцентска проза во македонската и српската книжевност за млади, преку творештвото на Горјан Петревск и Милутин Ѓуричковиќ. In: Зборник радова са Тринаесте конференције „Васпитач у 21. веку“ - Савремени свет и толеранција кроз призму предшколског васпитања, 24-25 March 2017, Aleksinac, Serbia.
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This paper examines the issue of diary adolescent prose. First, we refer to theoretical settings of diary as a referential literary genre, then, we identifiin these theoretically settings in two novels by Macedonian and Serbian adolescent literature. We will be working on the examples of the novels "The echoes of old sorrow" (Ehoto na starata taga) by Gorjan Petreski and "I love you and you as you wish" (Ja te volim, ti kako hoches) by Milutin Gurichkovich. The paper will also look into the different approaches of authors to adolescence as an important period in the life of young people, when they found the door between childhood and adulthood, faced with numerous uncertainties, love, the first interest about sex, drugs, Internet, etc. . The paper will address to these problems of young people and how they reflect on their lives, as well as build their personalities.
Item Type: | Conference or Workshop Item (Paper) |
Subjects: | Humanities > Languages and literature |
Divisions: | Faculty of Philology |
Depositing User: | Jovanka Denkova |
Date Deposited: | 12 Mar 2018 07:37 |
Last Modified: | 12 Mar 2018 07:37 |
URI: | |