Prediction of long-term indoor radon concentration based on short-term measurements

Stojanovska, Zdenka and Ivanova, Kremena and Bossew, Peter and Boev, Blazo and Zunic, Zora S. and Tsenova, Martina and Curguz, Zoran and Kolarz, P. and Zdravkovska, Milka and Ristova, Mimoza (2017) Prediction of long-term indoor radon concentration based on short-term measurements. Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection, 32 (1). pp. 77-84. ISSN 1452-8185

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We pres ent a method for the es ti ma tion of an nual ra don con cen tra tion based on short-term (three months) mea sure ments. The study in volves re sults from two in de pend ent sets of in door ra don con cen tra tion mea sure ments per formed in 16 cit ies of the Re pub lic of Mac e do nia. The first data set con tains win ter and an nual ra don con cen tra tion ob tained dur ing the Na tional sur vey in 2010 and the sec ond, con tains only the ra don con cen tra tion mea sured dur ing the win ter of 2013. Both data sets per tain to ra don con cen tra tion from the same cit ies and have been mea sured ap ply ing the same meth od ol ogy in ground floor dwell ings. The re sults ap peared to be cons ist ent and the disp ers ion of rad on conc ent rat ion was low. Line ar reg ress ion analy s is of the ra don con cen tra tion mea sured in win ter of 2010 and of the 2010 an nual ra don con cen tra tion re vealed a high co ef fi cient of de ter mi na tion R2 = 0.92, with a rel a tive un cer tainty of 3%. Fur ther more, this model was used to es ti mate the an nual ra don con cen tra tion solely from win ter-term mea sure ments per formed in 2013. The geo met ri cal mean of the es ti mated an nual ra don con cen tra tion of the 2013: ra don con cen tra tion (A-2013) =98 Bqm–3 was al most equal to the geo met ri cal mean of the an nual ra don con cen tra tion from the 2010, ra don con cen tra tion (A-2010) = 99 Bqm–3. Anal y sis of the in flu ence of build ing char ac ter is tics, such as pres ence/ab sence of a base ment in the build ing, or the domi n ant buildi ng mat er ial on the est im ated ann ual rad on conc ent rat ion is also rep orted. Our re sults show that a low num ber of rel a tively short-term ra don mea sure ments may pro duce a rea son able in sight into a gross av er age ob tained in a larger sur vey.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Natural sciences > Physical sciences
Divisions: Faculty of Medical Science
Depositing User: Zdenka Stojanovska
Date Deposited: 21 Jun 2017 11:06
Last Modified: 21 Jun 2017 11:06

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