Interleukin-6andinterleukin-8 as predictors of chronic lung disease in premature infant

Gurzanova-Dunev, Liljana and Zisovska, Elizabeta and Zendelovska, Dragica (2015) Interleukin-6andinterleukin-8 as predictors of chronic lung disease in premature infant. Книга со трудови од Шести Конгрес на Здружението на педијатрите со интернационално учество. pp. 93-94.

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Background:Improved survival from advances in neonatal care has resulted inan
increased number of infants at risk for chronic lung disease (CLD). Pro-inflammatory
cytokines such asinterleukins (IL)-6 and (IL)-8 play an importantrole in the inflammatory
response to neonatal airway injury.In order to predict the late-development of CLD,
cytokines in the blood samples were assessed in this study.
Materials and Methods:IL6 and IL8 were measured in 45infants developing CLD
in blood samples obtainedat 24 hours, 72 hoursand 1 week ofage. The normal range was
established in blood samples of 59 consecutivehealthy pre-term infants.
Cytokineconcentrations were quantified in duplicate using commerciallyavailable sandwich
ELISA kits.
Results:High initial levels of IL6 and IL8(first 24 h postnatal age) obtained in
infantsdeveloping CLDindicate that this cytokines are not only markers but also initiators of
inflammatory reaction. A persistent significant elevation of IL8 concentration in CLDgroup
results with double increased levels at the end of the first week of life
(799.2±122.8pg/ml). The obtained valuesshowed significantnegative correlation with
gestational ageofthe newborns (IL6, r= -0.751 and IL8, r= -0.659; p<0.001)
andsignificant positive correlation to duration of mechanical ventilation(IL6, r=0.837and
IL8, r=0.704; p<0.001).
Conclusion:The determination of pro-inflammatory cytokines in blood can be
usefulin identifying babies at high risk for CLD and in devising newstrategies to ameliorate
perinatal outcome.
Key words: Chronic lung disease, Interleukin-6, Interleukin-8

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Medical and Health Sciences > Clinical medicine
Divisions: Faculty of Medical Science
Depositing User: Elizabeta Zisovska
Date Deposited: 17 Nov 2015 10:13
Last Modified: 17 Nov 2015 10:13

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