What makes us think that the experiences and relationships of children with the natural world are so important?

Stavreva Veselinovska, Snezana (2014) What makes us think that the experiences and relationships of children with the natural world are so important? Zbornik na trudovi - Tradicii i sovremenost vo medicinskata geografija, 1 (1). pp. 131-136. ISSN 1314-5096

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Children disappear from external environments at speeds that would put them on top of each list of endangered species if they were members of any species of the animal kingdom.
Children grow healthier, wiser, and more content when they are more fully connected throughout their childhood to the natural environment in as many educational and recreational settings as possible. These benefits are long lasting, significant and they add up to their future welfare and contributions that they, as adults, will give to the world.
The experience of children in nature can be very small: they can help plant a garden, they can sit under a tree or listen to birds singing. Spending time in a natural environment has been shown to improve life and learning in many ways. Unfortunately, that connection with nature escapes to many of us, especially the children in the world. So, families and educators are invited to become like children again to rediscover the benefits of devoting attention to nature, to take action to strengthen children's connections with nature by making education about nature sustainable and enriched as a fully integrated part of everyday life and education of children in the world.
This call for action is intended to surpass both the principles and the research that helped us understand that experiencing and learning about nature are necessary to be able to fully understand our humanity. For children from birth onwards the discovery of their humanity and connection with nature begins very early.
Educators say they feel the pressure of standardized teaching which in turn leads to noticeably wrong effects in classes of curious young children. These activities limit the opportunities for reconnecting children with nature and acquiring knowledge about it. This raises other important issues that will be addressed in the paper.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Children, external environments, natural environment, connection with nature educators, benefits.
Subjects: Medical and Health Sciences > Basic medicine
Divisions: Faculty of Educational Science
Depositing User: Snezana Stavrova Veselinova
Date Deposited: 20 Oct 2015 09:40
Last Modified: 20 Oct 2015 09:40
URI: https://eprints.ugd.edu.mk/id/eprint/14015

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