Mentha L. essential oils composition and in vitro antifungal activity

Kostik, Vesna and Gjorgjeska, Biljana and Petkovska, Sofija (2015) Mentha L. essential oils composition and in vitro antifungal activity. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy, 5 (7). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2250-3013

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The essential oils isolated by hydro-distillation from the leaves of wild growing Mentha piperita and Mentha spicata (Lamiaceae) at the region of Mariovo, Republic of Macedonia were analyzed by gas chromatography with flame ionization detector (GC-FID) and gas chromatography wit mass selective detector (GC-MS). A total of forty six and thirty two different components were identified in the essential oils obtained from M. piperita and M. spicata, respectively, constituting approximately >99% (w/w) of the oils. The major components in the essential oil of M. piperita were menthol (34.3%), L-menthone (18.24%) and isomenthone (5.16%), neoisomenthol (3.48%), pulegone (3.03%) and menthyl acetate (3.01%). The major components in the essential oil of M. spicata were carvone (61.4%) ; limonene (11.87%) and 1, 8 – cineol (5.21%). The antifungal activity of the oils was tested by disc diffusion method and the micro-dilution broth method (MIC) against six plant pathogenic fungi: Alternaria alternata Alternaria solani, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Fusarium solani and Rhizopus solani. The results from the disc diffusion method followed by MIC indicated that M. spicata essential oil showed maximum antifungal activity with larger inhibition zone (20 – 29 mm) and the smallest MIC values (65.8 – 120.3 μg mL-1) against all the strains tested. M. piperita essential oil exhibited good antifungal activity with inhibition zone of 19 and 20 mm and MIC values of 120.3 and 115.4 μg mL- 1, respectively against Fusarium solani and Aspergilus flavus and excellent antifungal activity with inhibition zone of 28 and 30 mm and MIC values of 65.4 and 50.6 μg mL- 1, respectively against Aspergilus niger and Rhizopus solani.
Keywords: Essential oil, hydro-distillation, fungi, gas chromatography

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Medical and Health Sciences > Other medical sciences
Divisions: Faculty of Medical Science
Depositing User: Vesna Kostik
Date Deposited: 14 Aug 2015 10:55
Last Modified: 14 Aug 2015 10:55

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