The World Justice Project/Rule of Law Index 2015

Majhosev, Andon (2015) The World Justice Project/Rule of Law Index 2015. [Project]

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The World Justice Project (WJP) joins efforts to produce
reliable data on rule of law through the
WJP Rule of Law
, the fifth report in an annual series, which
measures rule of law based on the experiences and
perceptions of the general public and in-country experts
worldwide. We hope this annual publication, anchored
in actual experiences, will help identify strengths and
weaknesses in each country under review and encourage
policy choices that strengthen the rule of law.
WJP Rule of Law Index 2015
presents a portrait
of the rule of law in each country by providing scores
and rankings organized around eight factors: constraints
on government powers, absence of corruption, open
government, fundamental rights, order and security,
regulatory enforcement, civil justice, and criminal justice
(A ninth factor, informal justice, is measured but not
included in aggregated scores and rankings). These
factors are intended to reflect how people experience
rule of law in everyday life.
The country scores and rankings for the
WJP Rule
of Law Index 2015
are derived from more than
100,000 household and expert surveys in 102
countries and jurisdictions. The Index is the world’s
most comprehensive data set of its kind and the only
to rely solely on primary data, measuring a nation’s
adherence to the rule of law from the perspective of
how ordinary people experience it. These features
make the Index a powerful tool that can help identify
strengths and weaknesses in each country, and help
to inform policy debates, both within and across
countries, that advance the rule of law.

Item Type: Project
Subjects: Social Sciences > Law
Social Sciences > Political Science
Divisions: Faculty of Law
Depositing User: Andon Majhosev
Date Deposited: 24 Jun 2015 13:22
Last Modified: 24 Jun 2015 13:22

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