“Germany - Western Balkan Agricultural Policy Dialogue (APD-WB)“

Mihajlov, Ljupco (2024) “Germany - Western Balkan Agricultural Policy Dialogue (APD-WB)“. [Project] (In Press)

[thumbnail of Contract Specifics Project number: WB 21-01, C1 Project: Engagement within the project: “Germany - Western Balkan Agricultural Policy Dialogue (APD-WB)“] Text (Contract Specifics Project number: WB 21-01, C1 Project: Engagement within the project: “Germany - Western Balkan Agricultural Policy Dialogue (APD-WB)“)
Contract 095-24-SWG-APD_Ljupco Mihajlov_National Expert organic agriculture - signed - signed - signed.pdf - Supplemental Material

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National Expert on Organic Agriculture
1. Introduction
The Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group (SWG), as a platform for networking and regional cooperation, has been established during the Agricultural Policy Forum 2005 (“Rural Development Opportunities for Co-operation in the SEE”) held in Macedonia and Serbia in June 2005.
With the International Agreement in March 2009, the SWG is registered as an International Intergovernmental Organization, with its managing and coordinative body – SWG Head Office/Secretariat based in Skopje, Macedonia. On September 7th 2009, the Law on Ratification of the SWG Agreement has been decisively completed by the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia.
The main SWG strategic framework is composed of the following elements:
SWG vision is to promote innovative and sustainable agriculture and rural development through regional cooperation, to improve rural livelihoods in the SEE countries.
Mission - to increase horizontal cooperation among respective countries and territories of South Eastern Europe, by coordinating regional initiatives related to agriculture and rural development and supporting the process of social and economic development of rural areas
in SEE region.
General objective of SWG is to facilitate close cooperation between the Ministries of Agriculture and other stakeholders in the field of agriculture and rural development and to
support EU integration in SEE. The SWG has four specific objectives on which the organization has focused its work:
• To improve the common understanding of agriculture and rural development policies;
• To assist in the improvement of implementing structures and systems for agriculture
and rural development, with specific emphasis on cross-border cooperation;
• To improve the understanding and use of implementation tools for agriculture and
rural development;
• To identify and share information and application of good practice in agriculture and
rural development to broaden the rural agenda.

Item Type: Project
Subjects: Agricultural Sciences > Other agricultural sciences
Divisions: Faculty of Agriculture
Depositing User: Ljupco Mihajlov
Date Deposited: 10 Dec 2024 12:23
Last Modified: 10 Dec 2024 12:23
URI: https://eprints.ugd.edu.mk/id/eprint/35186

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