Simulation of the impact of seismic waves on the stability of active benches in the Sibovc mine

Uka, Ujmir and Zekiri, Kemalj and Dambov, Risto and Ferati, Burim (2023) Simulation of the impact of seismic waves on the stability of active benches in the Sibovc mine. XIV Стручно советување со меѓународно учество: Технологија на подземна и површинска експлоатација на минерални суровини Подекс – Повекс ’23.

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For all mines, the stability of the slopes is an important aspect for the safety of the workers
and for the continuous operation of the mine. If the slope is not stable, there is a risk that mobile
materials will slide and endanger the life and health of the employees, besides this it has a direct impact
on the productivity of the mine. Calculation of the influence of dynamic forces on the stability of mining
slops involves the use of specialized mathematical and engineering methods.
From these simulations, for gray clay the maximum height of the benches with a safety factor above
1.05 is 8m, an angle of 30o and seismic simulation 0.3 according to Bishop's method, while for green
clays the maximum height of the benches with a safety factor over 1.05 is 8m, angle of decline 45o and
seismic stimulation 0.3.
Key words: Slope stability, seismic forces, factor of safety, benches.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Engineering and Technology > Mechanical engineering
Engineering and Technology > Other engineering and technologies
Divisions: Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences
Depositing User: Risto Dambov
Date Deposited: 18 Sep 2024 08:35
Last Modified: 18 Sep 2024 08:35

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