Human security vs Biotherorism as a form of a hybrid threat

Taneski, Nenad and Racaj, Muhamet (2021) Human security vs Biotherorism as a form of a hybrid threat. Scientific journal on issues Economic, L a w, Emergency and security, 10 (20-21). pp. 48-77.

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The end of the Cold War opened a new chapter in the theory and practice
of world international relations. The vocabulary of world politics and security
itself has acquired a large number of new notions, which so far have either not
been used or have been of marginal importance. One of these new notions is
human security. At the core of this notion is the idea that the object of reference
of security policy should be the individual, and not the state or the nation.
Although the idea of human security in the form, in which it is spoken
today, was created in the nineties of the twentieth century, since ancient times
there has been the idea that the political community above all is obliged
to protect its citizens. This paper will provide a historical overview of the
relationship between the state and human security. This will be followed by a
discussion of the contemporary meaning of the term human security, as well
as the criticisms it faces.
State actors constantly strive to become more powerful, while non-state
actors seek their citizenship or recognition of their activities. For the realization
of their ambitions, non-state actors challenge the West and its institutions
and pose hybrid threats to their security. Dealing with hybrid threats means
the synchronized use of military and non-military means against the specific weaknesses of the adversary. If not detected and analyzed in a timely manner,
it will move from dealing with hybrid threats to hybrid warfare. In the third
part of the paper, bioterrorism will be reviewed as a form of hybrid threat in
order to endanger human security.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: human security, hybrid threat, hybrid warfare, bioterrorism
Subjects: Social Sciences > Political Science
Divisions: Military Academy
Depositing User: Nenad Taneski
Date Deposited: 15 Feb 2021 10:32
Last Modified: 15 Feb 2021 10:32

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