Економската состојба во Македонија според британската дипломатска кореспонденција и извештаите на воените мисии (јануари 1945-август 1945)

Cepreganov, Todor (2019) Економската состојба во Македонија според британската дипломатска кореспонденција и извештаите на воените мисии (јануари 1945-август 1945). Историја, 54 (2). pp. 135-151.

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Економската состојба ...Списание Историја пдф објавено 2019.pdf

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British military missions on the territory of Macedonia began to infiltrate in the fall of 1943, and the US in mid-1944. According to the tasks they had received from their headquarters, their basic job was to see who was fighting Nazi fascism and to provide military information and with this make it possible to send military aid to them. In their reports, both British and US missions send messages to their headquarters about the engagement of the Macedonian partisans in the fight against the Bulgarian, German and Italian occupiers and collaborators. Their reports shed light on the struggle of the Macedonian people during World War II. The missions, despite the fact that they were tasked to report only on the military aspect of the war, they could not but refer, in their reports, to political, economic, educational, agricultural, transport, etc. aspects of the life of the Macedonian people. The article deals with socio-economic, educational, social and transportation situation in Macedonia immediately after the liberation of Macedonia.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Humanities > History and archaeology
Divisions: Faculty of Educational Science
Depositing User: Todor Cepreganov
Date Deposited: 10 Feb 2020 07:59
Last Modified: 10 Feb 2020 07:59
URI: https://eprints.ugd.edu.mk/id/eprint/23746

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