Folk musical maker Dragi Kostovski from Shtip, Macedonia (Изработувачот на народни музички инструменти Драги Костовски од Штип)

Angelov, Goranco (2012) Folk musical maker Dragi Kostovski from Shtip, Macedonia (Изработувачот на народни музички инструменти Драги Костовски од Штип). In: Etnologist. Makedosnko etnolosko drustvo, Skopje, pp. 247-257. ISBN 1409-6404

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The information we got from our informant Mr. Dragi Kostovski has inestimable value because this highly skilled craftsman is still maintaining his craft, by which he would become recognizable in the years that follows. We gave the reasons and motives how he got interested in this rare craft; we talked about his first acquaintance with the folk musical instruments, the methods he uses to treat the material and the problems he faces with while creating folk musical instruments. Finally, we came up with a conclusion that this craft does not make enough for living, and on the other side the state institutions that study the traditional crafts have not shown a greater interest in preserving the craft of making folk musical instruments.

Item Type: Book Section
Subjects: Humanities > Art (arts, history of arts, performing arts, music)
Humanities > Other humanities
Divisions: Faculty of Music Art
Depositing User: Goranco Angelov
Date Deposited: 26 Nov 2012 09:07
Last Modified: 26 Nov 2012 09:07

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