Фикцијата на објективните критериуми против правото на самоопределување: примерот на македонското малцинство во Бугарија

Stojkov, Stojko (2015) Фикцијата на објективните критериуми против правото на самоопределување: примерот на македонското малцинство во Бугарија. Зборник на научни трудови, Втора научна меѓународна конференција Општествени промени во глобалниот свет, 03-04 септ. 2015, Штип, 2. pp. 660-676. ISSN 978-608-244-267-9

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This article deals with the issue of suspending the right of self-determination and denial of minorities and ethnicities in some modern states dominated by ethno-national ideology. By leveraging the absence of generally accepted international definition of national minority and manipulation of "objective criteria" minorities are discriminated, actually in the name of defense of national myths. States seek to preserve for themselves the right to decide on the identity of the man using lack of definition and insisting on objective criteria. Such an approach reduces the self-determination of the person, to the possibility only to accept or reject the governmental decision even at the risk of being accused of disloyalty. The main generator of the problem occurs ethno-national definition of state, in which identity and loyalty become the same. Respecting the will of the person, and leaving the ethno-national definition of state have been seen as a possible solution. Keywords: right to self-determination, national minority identity, ethnicity, objective criteria, ethno nationalism, Macedonian minority, Macedonian language, history, Bulgaria.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Humanities > History and archaeology
Social Sciences > Law
Divisions: Faculty of Educational Science
Depositing User: Stojko Stojkov
Date Deposited: 28 Jan 2016 11:19
Last Modified: 28 Jan 2016 11:19
URI: https://eprints.ugd.edu.mk/id/eprint/15100

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