Contemporary aspects of caries prevention in children

Alimani - Jakupi, Jetmire and Iljovska, Snezana and Pavlevska, Meri and Naskova, Sanja (2012) Contemporary aspects of caries prevention in children. In: 17th Congress of the Balkan Stomatological Society, BaSS 2012, Developing of Dentistry, 3-6 May 2012, Tirana, Albania. (Unpublished)

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The analysis of the trends of the caries dispersion in the developed countries in the last 40 years, show signifi cantly diminished values of CIA (caries index average) from11 to 4. But, the situati on in the developing countries is completely diff erent. The caries goes upwards, and CIA is increased for 5 points in the last 20 years. (WHO 2000) The purposel of our study would be to suggest a strategy for preventive dental protecti on which will be applied on the whole territory of the country and will be aimed to stop the further expansion of the dental caries and its repercussions.For the practi cal realizati on of this aim, the pregnant women,children and adolescents would be included. The preventive scheme would be planned and conducted according to basical statistical data of the number of citi ezens and professionals (specialists in pediatric and preventive dentistry, dentists,The analysis of the trends of the caries dispersion in the developed countries in the last 40 years, show significantly diminished values of CIA (caries index average) from11 to 4. But, the situati on in the developing countries is completely different. The caries goes upwards, and CIA is increased for 5 points in the last 20 years. (WHO 2000).The purposel of our study would be to suggest a strategy for preventi ve dental protecti on which will be applied on the whole territory of the country and will be aimed to stop the further expansion of the dental caries and its repercussions. For the practi cal realizati on of this aim, the pregnant women, children and adolescents would be included.The preventive scheme would be planned and conducted according to basical stati sti cal data of the number of citi ezens and professionals (specialists in pediatric and preventi ve denti stry, denti sts, dental nurses,gynecologists, pediatricians and nurses) wich would be involved in conducti ng of the prevenntal nurses,gynecologists, pediatricians and nurses) wich would be involved in conducti ng of the preventi ve measures. Conclussion Results would be the KEP of 6.9 for 5years 5.5(p.0.01).

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Other)
Subjects: Medical and Health Sciences > Other medical sciences
Divisions: Faculty of Medical Science
Depositing User: Sanja Naskova
Date Deposited: 21 Apr 2015 11:55
Last Modified: 21 Apr 2015 11:55

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