Items where Division is "Military Academy" and Year is 2020

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 53.


Ackoski, Jugoslav (2020) Advanced system for the prevention and early detection of forest fires (ASPires). SAC '20: Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing.

Ackoski, Jugoslav (2020) Defence Education Enhancement Programme as Vehicle to Strengthen and Stimulate Cooperation Between NATO and Partners. Case Studies-South Cuacasus and Ukraine. ADL Perspective. Civitas et Lex. ISSN 2392-0300

Ackoski, Jugoslav (2020) Demonstration of ARP attacking tools exploiting cyber -Security vulnerabilities of ARP. IDEA International Journal of Science and Arts, 4 (4). ISSN 2545-4552

Ackoski, Jugoslav (2020) Man in the middle attacks. International Journal of Science and Arts – IDEA, 4 (8). ISSN 2545-4552

Ackoski, Jugoslav and Temelkovski, Boban and Serafimova, Nevena (2020) Novel approach for finding shortest route using Dijkstra's Algorithm and Fuzzy Logic in a Wireless Sensor Network integrated into a Forest fire detection system. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 19 (6). ISSN 1582-9596

Andonov, Oliver and Georgiev, Toni (2020) Безбедност или сигурност - современа дилема на општествениот пристап. Сборник научни трудове международна научна конференцим „Широката сигурност" том 1 Противодеиствие срешцу престбпността и тероризма. Военна сигурност, 4 (1). pp. 5-12. ISSN ISBN: 978-619-7383-17-1

Georgiev, Toni and Andonov, Oliver (2020) Legal - political aspects and consequences of performance of search of official premises of political parties. Knowledge - International Journal, 42 (5). pp. 957-964. ISSN 2545-4439

Gjoreski, Igor (2020) NATO burden sharing policy and Covid 19 implications on defence expenditures. Contemporary Macedonian Defence, 20 (39). pp. 69-92. ISSN 1409-8199 e-ISSN 1857-887X

Grizhev, Aleksandar and Taneski, Nenad and Ivanova Stojanovska, Tatjana (2020) Will islamophobia bring an end to the multiculturalism? Religious dialogue and cooperation, 1 (1). pp. 75-84.

Iliev, Andrej (2020) Историја на конфликтите во Израел. STIT. ISSN 1857-6710

Iliev, Andrej (2020) Историја на конфликтите во Обединетите арапски емирати (ОАЕ). STIT (125). pp. 44-47. ISSN 1857-6710

Iliev, Andrej and Grizev, Aleksandar (2020) Historical and sociological aspects of Evlija Çelebi's travelogues for Macedonian cities. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers, 38 (5). pp. 1185-1190. ISSN 2545-4439

Iliev, Andrej and Grizev, Aleksandar (2020) Historical and sociological evidence for Isa Bey tomb in Konçe during Ottoman conquests. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers, 38 (5). pp. 1153-1159. ISSN 2545-4439

Jovanovski, Zoran (2020) Legal norms and legal acts in the positive legislation of the Republic of North Macedonia; Правни норми и правни акти во позитивното законодавство на Република Северна Македонија;. Knowledge - International Journal, 42 (5). pp. 927-932. ISSN 2545-4439

Karovska Andonovska, Biljana and Kletnikov, Nikola (2020) Right to disaster protection through the prism of crisis management systems in selected countries (N.Macedonia, Spain, and Bulgaria). Knowledge International Journal, 42,5.

Manev, Nikola and Temelkovski, Boban and Serafimova, Nevena and Achkoski, Jugoslav (2020) Novel approach for finding shortest route using Dijkstra’s Algorithm and fuzzy logic in a wireless sensor network integrated in a forest fire detection system. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 19 (6). pp. 1007-1016. ISSN 1843-3707

Sosolovski, Ljupco and Jovanovski, Zoran and Cikarski, Zoran (2020) Analysis of traffic accidents in the Republic of North Macedonia in the period from 2010 to 2019. Journal of criminology and criminal law. Institute of criminology and sociological research, 58 (3). pp. 97-110.

Sosolovski, Ljupco and Jovanovski, Zoran and Cikarski, Zoran (2020) Analysis of traffic accidents in the Republic of North Macedonia in the period from 2010 to 2019. Journal of Criminology and Criminal Law, 58 (3). pp. 97-110. ISSN 1820-2969

Taneski, Nenad and Caminski, Borce and Petrovski, Aleksandar (2020) Use of weaponized unmanned aerial veHiCles (uAVs) supported by gis as a groWing terrorist tHreAt. Science and society contribution of humanities and social sciences. pp. 553-567.

Taneski, Nenad (2020) Пораст на деснокрилниот екстремизам-тероризам. Штит - Магазин на Министерство за одбрана на Република Македонија (124). pp. 10-12. ISSN 1587-6710

Taneski, Nenad (2020) Биотероризам. Штит - Магазин на Министерство за одбрана на Република Македонија, XII (126). pp. 24-27. ISSN 1587-6710

Taneski, Nenad (2020) Конфликтот во Нагорно Карабах. Штит - Магазин на Министерство за одбрана на Република Македонија (134). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1587-6710

Taneski, Nenad (2020) Пандемијата – совршен терен за ширење на екстремизмот. Штит - Магазин на Министерство за одбрана на Република Македонија, XII (127). pp. 10-14. ISSN 1587-6710

Taneski, Nenad (2020) Лажните вести реална закана за демократските држави. Штит - Магазин на Министерство за одбрана на Република Македонија, 12 (129). pp. 12-16. ISSN 1587-6710

Taneski, Nenad (2020) Трагедија во Бејрут. Штит - Магазин на Министерство за одбрана на Република Македонија, XII (132). pp. 16-20. ISSN 1587-6710

Taneski, Nenad (2020) САД во борбата против тероризмот – 19 години по 11 септември. Штит - Магазин на Министерство за одбрана на Република Македонија (131). pp. 16-19. ISSN 1587-6710

Taneski, Nenad (2020) Conflict resolution in function of prevention and suppressing international terrorism. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers, 40 (1). pp. 273-279. ISSN 2545-4439

Taneski, Nenad (2020) Справување со глобалната миграција во услови на Covid-19. Штит - Магазин на Министерство за одбрана на Република Македонија, XII (130). pp. 14-17. ISSN 1587-6710

Taneski, Nenad (2020) Kако да го спречиме следниот терористички напад. Штит - Магазин на Министерство за одбрана на Република Македонија, 12 (123). pp. 26-28. ISSN 1587-6710

Taneski, Nenad (2020) Слободата на говор VS насилниот екстремизам. Штит - Магазин на Министерство за одбрана на Република Македонија, XII (133). pp. 20-23. ISSN 1587-6710

Taneski, Nenad and Idrizi, Afrim (2020) Concept of right - wing extremism and terrorism. Knowledge – International Journal, 38.5 (5). pp. 1079-1085. ISSN 2545-4439

Taneski, Nenad and Karovska Andonovska, Biljana (2020) Legal aspects of security in cyberspace. Security Dialogues – International Peer Reviewed, 11 (1). pp. 99-110. ISSN 1857-8055

Taneski, Nenad and Petrovski, Aleksandar (2020) The role of intelligence from human sources in the fight against terrorism. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers, 41.5 (5). pp. 923-929. ISSN 2545-4439

Book Section

Iliev, Andrej and Odzakov, Ferdinad (2020) Historical and legal aspects of cyber attacks on critical infrastructure. In: Cyber terrorism and extremism as a threat to critical infrastructure protection. ISBN 978-961-94444-8-1 . Ministry of Defense Republic of Slovenia, Slovenia, Joint Special Operations University from Tampa, USA and Institute for Corporative Security Studies, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Ljubljana, Republic of Slovenia, pp. 151-162. ISBN 978-961-94011-2-5

Conference or Workshop Item

Dojcinovski, Metodija and Jovanovski, Zoran and Danevski, Saso (2020) Crucial importance of regular physical activity in times of a pandemic. In: Virtual International Academic Conference / organized by Kolegji AAB. - Prishtine: Kolegji AAB, 2020, 5 Sept 2020, Pristina, Republic of Kosovo.

Dojcinovski, Metodija and Karovska Andonovska, Biljana and Kletnikov, Nikola (2020) Water lack as a social risk and threat to social development and environmental disorder. In: International Conference of Planing, Challenges of Disaster Management and Resilience, 11-13 Feb 2022, Athens.

Gorgiev, Toni (2020) Преку приватизација на водните ресурси до господарење со светот. In: The Future of the Law: Facing the Challenges of Covid 19.

Gorgiev, Toni (2020) The applicability of international humanitarian law in case of biological war. In: Social Changes in Global World.

Iliev, Andrej and Ilieva, Nikolovska, Anita and Petrova, Emilija (2020) Historical retrospective of integration in NATO and European union of Republic of North Macedonia. In: International conference: "The Euro-Atlantic values in Balkan countries", 22-24 Sept 2020, Ohrid, Republic of North Macedonia.

Iliev, Andrej and Odzakov, Ferdinand and Ackoski, Jugoslav (2020) Historical retrospective and prevention from migration flows as a contemporary security challenges for Europe. In: X International Scientific Conference Archibald Reiss Days, 18-19 Nov 2020, Zemun, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia.

Jovanovski, Zoran (2020) Право на самоопредељење у меѓународном праву - историјске перспективе. In: The X Scientific conference on The occasion of The Day of The Faculty of Law, International scientific conference, 30 Oct 2020, Belgrade.

Jovanovski, Zoran (2020) Тек на првостепена постапка co донесување на решение и заклучок во судството на Република Северна Mакедонија. In: Меѓународна научна конференција Охридска школа на правото: Иднината на правото - соочувајќи се со предизвиците на Covid 19, 22-25 Oct 2020, Ohrid.

Jovanovski, Zoran (2020) Контрола на уставноста и законитоста на општи акти на правни лица co јавни овластувања во Република Северна Македонија. In: IX Научни скуп „Изазови правном систему“, 24 Oct 2020, Pale,.

Petrovski, Aleksandar and Taneski, Nenad and Ackoski, Jugoslav (2020) GIS in crises management use of smart phone GIS application in the event of natural disaster. In: 1st InternatIonal conference on envIronmental protectIon and dIsaster rIsks, 29-30 Sept 2020, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Taneski, Nenad and Grizev, Aleksandar and Stojanoska Ivanova, Tatjana (2020) Will islamophobia bring an end to the multiculturalism? In: 1st European Conference for Religious Dialogue and Cooperation, 14-17 Oct 2019, Struga, R. North Macedonia .

Taneski, Nenad and Petrovski, Aleksandar and Vitanovski, Sinisha (2020) The place and role of the intelligence and counterintelligence services. In: The Euro- Atlantic values in the Balkan countries, 22-24 Sept 2020, Ohrid.


Glavinov, Aleksandar (2020) Integrated Operations Center for Providing Humanitarian Assistance INTERREG IPA-CBC “Greece – Republic of North Macedonia 2014 – 2020” HELP WP 3 D 3.5.4 – Cross-border Protocols for Communication, Cooperation and Coordination. [Project]

Jovanovski, Zoran (2020) Project: "Be without prejudice", „Буди без предрасуда" који финансира Ерасмус + (Темпус фондације у Републици Србији) у својству координатора испред партнерске организације luridica Prima из Скопља, Република Северна Македонија. [Project]

Kletnikov, Nikola and Karovska Andonovska, Biljana (2020) Erasmus+ Project: Prevention of Disaster ICT (Information and communication technology). [Project]

Trajchevski, Neven (2020) Идеен проект за електротехнички инсталации за реконструкција на објект Тим’с хотел - Скопје. [Project]


Kletnikov, Nikola and Karovska Andonovska, Biljana and Karovska Ristovska, Aleksandra and Velickovska, Dragana (2020) Create a methodological framework (Field and desk-top research) for inclusive training of Children, Youth, and Persons with Disabilities. Воена академија „Генерал Михаило Апостолски“, Скопје.

Trajchevski, Neven (2020) Проект за изведена состојба на електротехнички инсталации. КОРТЕК МБ – Скопје.

Trajchevski, Neven (2020) Елаборат за компјутерско-телефонска мрежа во објект на Aгенција за странски инвестиции и промоција на извозот. Aгенција за странски инвестиции и промоција на извозот на РСМ - Скопје.

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