Items where Division is "Faculty of Mechanical Engineering" and Year is 2019

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Number of items: 17.


Aleksandrov, Mihail and Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Maksimova, Viktorija (2019) Интеракции на канабидиол и тетрахидроканабинол со лекови кои делуваат на централниот нервен систем. In: Конгрес на студенти по општа медицина, 09-10 May 2019, Stip, Macedonia.

Alili, Agron and Krstev, Dejan (2019) Using SPSS for research and data analysis. Knowledge – International Journal, 32 (3).


Dzidrov, Misko (2019) Barriers and challenges of transferring modern Project management principles in Western Balkan region. International Scientific Journal Science Business Society, Year 4 (1/2019). pp. 19-22. ISSN 2367-8380


Gjakovski, Ivan and Milev, Sasko and Brkovski, Dean and Gerasimovski, Aleksandar (2019) Procedure for Determination of the Calibration Curve of the Measurement Device Using the Method of Linear Regression. Scientific Technical Union Mechanical Engineering, Bulgaria, pp. 311-315.

Gjakovski, Ivan and Milev, Sasko and Brkovski, Dean and Gerasimovski, Aleksandar (2019) Procedure for determination of the calibration curve of the measurement device using the method of linear regression. International Scientific Journal "Machines. Technologies. Materials", 13 (10). pp. 425-429. ISSN 1314-507X; 1313-0226 print


Komitovski, Mihail and Dimitrov, Sasko (2019) Transient performance of a three-way pressure reducing valve. Machine design, 11 (2). pp. 53-58. ISSN 1821-1259


Milev, Sasko (2019) Impact of the Constructive Characteristics on the Load on the Daiphragm Springs of Motor Vehicle Clutches. Other thesis, Goce Delcev, University in Stip.


Nedeva, Biljana and Krstev, Dejan (2019) Advanced warehouse technologies – perspectives and possibilities. Knowledge – International Journal, 30 (3).


Sovreski, Zlatko and Simeonov, Simeon and Hristovska, Elizabeta and Cekerovska, Marija (2019) Connecting on small power cogenerated systems in thermo energy systems from the aspect of the environment. In: Odrzlivi razvoj Braniceskog okruga i energetskog kompleksa Kostolac, May 2019, Kostolac.

Sovreski, Zlatko and Bouchner, Petr and Novotny, Stanislav and Dzidrov, Misko and Hristovska, Elizabeta (2019) Human-Machine Interaction of Electric Vehicle. In: ICEST 2019 54th international scientific conference on information, communication and energy systems and technologies, 27-29 June 2019, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Sovreski, Zlatko and Talevski, Nikolce and Josevski, Zoran and Hristovska, Elizabeta and Dzidrov, Misko and Sinani, Feta (2019) Global logistic perspectives about quality of the concept for management of the communal waste in the environment. In: Savetovanje u Kostolcu.

Sovreski, Zlatko and Talevski, Nikolce and Josevski, Zoran and Hristovska, Elizabeta and Jovanovska, Vangelica and Dzidrov, Misko (2019) Logistic aspects of the activities of the rolling stock of the public communal company Prilep 2017. In: Savetovanje u Kostolcu.

Srebrenkoska, Sara (2019) Истражувања на технолошките параметри за автоматизиран ATL процес со примена на ласер. In: Годишна конференција за докторски студии, УКИМ, Скопје.

Srebrenkoska, Sara (2019) CA18125 - Advanced Engineering and Research of aeroGels for Environment and Life Sciences (AERoGELS). [Project] (In Press)

Srebrenkoska, Sara (2019) Влијание на технолошките параметри на процесот кај роботизираните LATP (Laser Assisted Automated Tape Placement) технологии врз карактеристиките на композитот. In: Школа за докторски студии, УКИМ.

Srebrenkoska, Sara (2019) Overview of the research of laser assisted automate tape laying process for production of advanced composite materials for self-healing. In: PhD Students’ and Early Career Investigators’ Meeting – Self-healing concrete structures, March, 7th -8th 2019, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology, Novi Sad, Serbia. (Unpublished)

Srebrenkoska, Sara and Dukovski, Vladimir and Risteska, Svetlana (2019) Laser assisted automated tape laying process for production of composite laminates. Union of Engineers and Textile Technicians of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia, May, 2019. pp. 107-112. ISSN ISBN 978-86-900426-1-6

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