Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
National Center for Research and Application of Renewable Energy
Slovak Committee of World Energy
VUJE a. s.
Conference Objectives
Renewable energy sources are prospective alternative environmentally acceptable form of acquisition of energy (electricity, heat) to enable sustainable growth. The conference program includes in its various forms of renewable energy: solar energy (photovoltaics), chemical energy (biomass processing and utilization in cogeneration units), water and wind energy and geothermal energy. The content of these individual areas will be incorporated into the framework of invited lectures, papers and poster section. The conference will be presented to the scientific results of the National Center for Research and application of renewable energy, which was established in the year 2009 for the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava.
Event Guarantee
Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic
Event Chairman
Professor František Janíček
IPC Chairman
Julius Cirak
The objectives of conference are to create a common platform for researchers and professionals involved in different areas of renewable energy sources. The conference provide mutual exchange of experience and compare what is already in the field of basic research materials and systems for renewable energy sources, but also the possibility of real practical use of renewable energy sources in the economy, subsequent to the economics and ecological aspects.
- New materials in photovoltaic and advanced photovoltaic systems.
- Organic photovoltaic, concepts and realization.
- Possibilities in further exploitation of hydroenergetic potential and optimalization of water power-plants operation
- Biomass – source of energy and materials
- Utilization of the wind energy
- Possibilities in geothermal energy exploitatio
- Utilization of the CFD code in renewable energy sources
- Development trends in renewable energy sources
- Feasibility in financing of RES projects
- National and international cooperation in RES development
- The role of energy policy in RES advancement
- Legislation of RES in EU and in Slovak Republic.
- Technical conditions and problems with RES in grid system
- Relating renewable to non-renewable energy resources
- Smart Technologies
- Education in power engineering
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