„Солидарност”, како одраз на желбите на народите од Југоисточна Европа за Обединета Европа

Stojanovska, Aneta (2005) „Солидарност”, како одраз на желбите на народите од Југоисточна Европа за Обединета Европа. Политичка мисла, списание за политичко-општествени теми, 3 (11). pp. 59-63.

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Poland celebrated 25th anniversary of the founding of the “Solidarity” trade
union. The birth of the “Solidarity” in a Polish shipyard 25 years ago represented
a resounding victory of freedom over the communism. The anniversary
celebrations had brought together several European leaders as well as 30
prime ministers and deputy prime ministers of central and eastern European
countries. Among foreign leaders that attend were the head of EU Commission
Jose Manuel Baroso and German President Horst Koehler.
The founding of “Solidarity” movement is now seen as the beginning of the
end of the communist rule in Europe. On August 14 1980, Lech Walesa, a
labor activist scaled the gates of the “Lenin” shipyard in Gdansk and called for
workers there to strike. The workers set down their tools for two weeks and a
committee led by Walesa negotiated with the communist government, on
August 31, 1980 that provided “Solidarity” with the right to create an
independent labor movement. This led to peaceful fall of communism in Poland.
Within months of its establishment “Solidarity” had become a national political
movement claiming 10 million members. The “Solidarity” movement and Lech
Walesa, the former president of Poland, Nobel peace price winner and the
founder of “Solidarity” trade union, had played a key role in the collapse of

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Social Sciences > Law
Social Sciences > Media and communications
Social Sciences > Political Science
Social Sciences > Sociology
Divisions: Faculty of Law
Depositing User: Aneta Stojanovska
Date Deposited: 22 Oct 2013 10:08
Last Modified: 22 Oct 2013 18:28
URI: https://eprints.ugd.edu.mk/id/eprint/7608

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