Managing changens in schools

Petrova Gjorgjeva, Emilija (2012) Managing changens in schools. International scientific and expert conference Education for the future. pp. 89-98. ISSN 378.014(082)

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Abstract: To plan, lead, organize, control, in a word – to manage, means to make decisions and implement them; it means to be with an open mind and determined in various situations, to be a democrat, but a dictator as well, even a manipulator.
Management as a modern, universal process requires managers to properly use the maximum power and responsibility that are given to their function, to gain authority in the institution that they are managing, use their ability to influence the employees in the institution they are managing, to use their power properly and never forget their significance.
Whether we see the management as a science, a profession or a skill, it is a continuous process that is constantly moving and changing. Troughout its development there have been various schools, but all of them are based on the same thing– the basic functions that the successful functioning of the institutions in the society depends on, and the civilization in general.
The society changes, especially in the recent decades, and coping with these changes does not mean slowing them down, but on the contrary – it means learning the most effective and efficient way to exceed the problems that are an inevitable part of changes.
Changes in society are changes in education, and changes in education change the place that the educational institutions have in the country, and this inevitably leads to changes in running and managing educational institutions. Only a modern management is appropriate to modern times.
The director, as a lead character in the implementation of management in schools, has the responsibility of coping with the needs of modern times, and setting goals because living means solving problems, and growing means greater ability to solve greater problems.

Kew words: management, changes, principal.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: management, changes, principal.
Subjects: Social Sciences > Educational sciences
Humanities > Other humanities
Divisions: Faculty of Educational Science
Depositing User: Emilija Petrova Gorgeva
Date Deposited: 20 Aug 2013 09:58
Last Modified: 20 Aug 2013 09:59

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