Македнонски vis a vis српски менталитет (О "елементима традиције" у "Бегалка" Васила Иљоског и "Зона Замфирова" Стевана Сремца)

Karanikolova, Lusi (2013) Македнонски vis a vis српски менталитет (О "елементима традиције" у "Бегалка" Васила Иљоског и "Зона Замфирова" Стевана Сремца). Зборник радова с међународног научног скупа Култура у дијалогу. ISSN ISBN 978-86-6153-181-1

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This article makes an attempt of intertextual recognition of "the elements of tradition" in two diverse literary texts – the drama "Runaway Bride" by Vasil Iljoski and the novel "Zona Zamfirova" by Stevan Sremac. Comparative treatment of isolated entity - a tradition with typical "Macedonian" and "Serbian" characters aims to show the similarities and differences between the Macedonian and Serbian mentality - then and now. In addition to the basic thesis is a comparative analysis of two female characters – Lence Kumanovce and Zona Zamfirova from the standpoint of the category - mentality, that tradition, and their influence in modern culture.
Key words: mentality - Macedonian and Serbian, tradition, culture, cultural protocols, interculturalism.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Humanities > Languages and literature
Divisions: Faculty of Philology
Depositing User: Lusi Karanikolova
Date Deposited: 29 Oct 2013 14:19
Last Modified: 29 Oct 2013 14:19
URI: https://eprints.ugd.edu.mk/id/eprint/4693

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