Smart learning with smart board

Stavreva Veselinovska, Snezana and Kitanova, Irena and Kitanov, Vladimir (2009) Smart learning with smart board. Naucni skup - "Obrazovanie i usovrsavanje nastavnika". pp. 278-294.

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Information technology has a double role in the teaching process. On one hand, it plays an important role in the pupils cognitive development, but it also has impact on the development of practical applicative abilities. Pupils should have special techniques for acquiring knowledge and information transfer, but they should have gained moral habits and responsibilities to work and learning.
What happens in the course of a lesson during which ICT tools are used?
What does the teacher teach?
How does the teacher teach the particular teaching unit?
The answer to this question will be given by means of analyzing one lesson of the teaching subject "My environment" for the third grade of the nine-year primary school education; it will comprise an elaboration of the teaching unit "Parts of a plant" using a Smart Board. The paper will present the benefits of using a smart board because pupils, besides learning contents of natural sciences (biology), also study computer skills. Teachers who use ICT tools in everyday teaching teach their pupils how to select and evaluate relevant information.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: ICT tools, teaching, primary school, benefits, my environment, parts of plant
Subjects: Social Sciences > Educational sciences
Divisions: Faculty of Educational Science
Depositing User: Snezana Stavrova Veselinova
Date Deposited: 28 Dec 2012 09:05
Last Modified: 11 Jun 2013 07:23

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