Inheritance of certain components of grain yield in Rice

Ilieva, Verica and Stojkovski, Cane and Ivanovska, Sonja (2004) Inheritance of certain components of grain yield in Rice. Годишен зборник на земјоделски институт - Скопје, 17-18. pp. 48-61. ISSN 1409-5297

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The mode of inheritance and gene effect for number and weigh of grains per panicle was determined by analysis of diallel crosses of seven rice varieties F2 and F2, generations (without reciprocals). In the most of combinations for both evaluated traits, dominant mode of inheritance has been confirmed. According to the analysis of genetic variations components, greater part of the genetic variation of the number of grains per panicle (in the F1 and F2) and of the weight of grains per panicle in the F1 is accounted for the dominant component. In inheritance of the weigh of grains per panicle in the F2, dominant the additive effects have almost equal role. The regression analyses showed absence of inheritance for all combinations was overdominant for the number of grains (in the F1 and F2). The inheritance of the weight of grains per panicle was overdominant in the F1 and dominant in the F2.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: rice, inheritance, genetic components, regression analysis
Subjects: Agricultural Sciences > Other agricultural sciences
Divisions: Faculty of Agriculture
Depositing User: Verica Ilieva
Date Deposited: 27 Dec 2012 11:50
Last Modified: 11 Jun 2013 11:13

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