Blasting with non-explosive agents of rocks with of gas - cartridges "Splitter Rock Gas"

Dambov, Risto and Dambov, Ilija and Stojkoski, Igor (2023) Blasting with non-explosive agents of rocks with of gas - cartridges "Splitter Rock Gas". XIV Стручно советување со меѓународно учество: Технологија на подземна и површинска експлоатација на минерални суровини Подекс – Повекс ’23.

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In the modern world and the development of humanity, it is impossible to imagine the efficient
and successful execution of a large number of infrastructure facilities such as roads, canals, tunnels,
clearing of construction sites, demolition of old industrial or infrastructure facilities, etc. without using
explosives and appropriate blasting methods.
However, there are some direct negative impacts that can occur when using these conventional
methods of breaking rock and concrete. These impacts include uncontrolled rock scattering, ground
vibrations, excessive air pressure, gas emissions into the atmosphere, dust emissions, noise, etc.
In order to minimize the above-mentioned negative impacts from the use of explosives, with
technological development, modern technologies and methods of blasting have been developed as alternatives to conventional blasting methods using explosives, known as unconventional methods for fragmentation of rocks and concrete as well as for excavation of mineral resources.
Key Words: Method, Explosive, Blasting, Unconventional, Gas, Thermochemical

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Engineering and Technology > Civil engineering
Engineering and Technology > Environmental engineering
Engineering and Technology > Other engineering and technologies
Divisions: Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences
Depositing User: Risto Dambov
Date Deposited: 18 Sep 2024 08:34
Last Modified: 18 Sep 2024 08:34

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