Proceedings of Papers 2-nd International Scientific Conference MILCON'19

Ackoski, Jugoslav and Karovska Andonovska, Biljana (2019) Proceedings of Papers 2-nd International Scientific Conference MILCON'19. Military Academy "General Mihailo Apostolski", Skopje.

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In front of you is the thematic Proceedings, as a collection of papers presented at the 2nd MILCON’19 Conference ''Contemporary education based on ADL'', organized on November 12th 2019, by the Military Academy "General MihailoApostolski" - Skopje associated member of the University ''Goce Delcev'' - Shtip, within the RADLI Project (Regional Advance Distributive Learning Initiative), supported by the Kingdom of Norway and implemented by the Jefferson Institute, USA.
The objective of the Conference was to gather educators and trainers from different countries in order to give us the opportunity to increase both knowledge and cooperation within all aspects of advance distributed learning - ADL. Hence, the Proceedings contain 32 papers focused on the contemporary trends in the use of information technology in a pedagogical way, as well as the best practices both from a theoretical point of view, but also from a practical aspect on the topics related to educational programs using blended learning, emerging learning technologies, multiplatform delivery of courseware, motivational and pedagogical learning strategies and other topics related to ADL. This international scientific conference gives us a wonderful opportunity for exchanging experience and knowledge between the scientific workers and the practitioners from North Macedonia, USA, Serbia, Poland, Slovenia, Bosna and Hercegovina and Norway.
The papers published in the Proceedings are written by eminent scholars as well as by members of the security system participating in the educational process of the army, police and other security services from different countries.
Each paper has been reviewed by international experts competent for the field to which the paper is related.
The data and information gained with the empirical research, as well as theoretical thoughts and comparative analyses in the Proceedings will give a significant contribution to the development of the use of ADL in a pedagogical way.
We wish to extend our gratitude to all authors and participants to the Conference, as well as to all those who contributed to, or supported the Conference, especially the Kingdom of Norway and the Jefferson Institute, as well as to the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of the Republic of North Macedoniafor their immense support of the Conference.

Item Type: Book
Subjects: Natural sciences > Computer and information sciences
Divisions: Military Academy
Depositing User: Jugoslav Ackoski
Date Deposited: 20 Jun 2022 08:29
Last Modified: 20 Jun 2022 08:29

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