Систем за справување со цивилни несреќи и катастрофи – институционални предизвици

Lazarevski, Pande and Denkova, Jadranka (2021) Систем за справување со цивилни несреќи и катастрофи – институционални предизвици. Annual 2020 Institute for sociological, political and juridical research, University “Ss. Ciryl and Methodius” in Skopje. pp. 95-105. ISSN 1857-7350 / 0350-1825

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Analytically and empirically, the national security system should rely on three pillars: the
first for assessing and dealing with military risks and hazards, the second for assessing
and dealing with risks and dangers of internal security character - disturbing public order
and peace, dealing with organized crime and terrorism and the third pillar, for assessing
and dealing with civilian risks and dangers. The focus of this paper is the third pillar, with
emphasis on the need to overcome the existing institutional parallelisms and establish a
single institutional solution with competence in the field of design and implementation of
preparations and approach to dealing with civil disasters and catastrophes. In this way,
the entities and resources at all levels would be united with competencies in the field of
prevention of civil risks and dangers, as well as early warning, coping and overcoming the
96 ANNUAL 2020, XLIV / 1/2
consequences of the situation. In this sense, we refer to the expert dimension when it comes
to assessing the resilience of the community in the event of disasters of various natures,
while appreciating the exposure, institutional capacity to respond to given circumstances,
and the vulnerability of the community affected by such disasters. It is not less important
the unification of decision-making and the disposal of resources as well as overcoming
the dualism of coordination and command functions (present in the current set-up with
artificially divided competencies in two state administration bodies). With the possible
institutional reconfiguration and operational-functional set-up in the domain of assessment
and management of civil risks and dangers (based on a paradigm different from the current
one, ie substitution of the partial with holistic approach), a new quality in the field of
effectiveness or capacity would be established. Namely, it would help achieve efficiency in
terms of the ratio of engaged and used resources on the one hand and, on the other hand, as
well as efficiency in terms of overcoming the parallels in personnel and material-technical
plan, especially in conditions of scarce resources.
Keywords: Civil disasters and catastrophes; vulnerability and resilience to civil risks
and dangers; holistic approach

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Humanities > Other humanities
Divisions: Faculty of Law
Depositing User: Jadranka Denkova
Date Deposited: 10 Feb 2022 10:16
Last Modified: 10 Feb 2022 10:16
URI: https://eprints.ugd.edu.mk/id/eprint/29480

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