Tertiary magmatism within the Republic of Macedonia: a review

Boev, Blazo and Yanev, Yotzo (2001) Tertiary magmatism within the Republic of Macedonia: a review. Acta Vulcuanologica, 13 (1-2). pp. 57-71.

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Widespread Tertiary magmatism of both orogenic and within-plate signatures developed within the Macedonian part of the Dinarides. Orogenic magmatites (predominantly volcanic rocks) are present in 5 areas (from east to west):
Osogovo-Besna Kobila, Kratovo-Zletovo, Bucim-Borov Dol, Dojran and Kozuf. The age of the igneous rocks decreases
in the same direction: from Priabonian-Early Oligocene at Os ogovo-Besna Kobila area, Early Oligocene-Miocene in
Kratovo-Zletovo and Bucim-Borov Dol to Late Miocene-Late Pliocene in Kozuf.
The Osogovo-Besna Kobila area contains only acid volcanics (trachydacites to dacites), occurring mainly as subvolcanic
to hypabyssal bodies. They have collision-related chemical characteristics. Latites and andesites to dacites predominate in the Kratovo-Zletovo area, but a monzonite pluton is also be found . Only the shoshonite series (from latites to trachy­ rhyolites) is present in Bucim-Borov Dol, and trachytes in Dojran area. The Kozuf area, which consists of two series; (I) shoshonitic (high-Mg shoshonites, latites and trachydacites) and (2) andesitic series (Iow-K andesites and high-Fe rhyo­lites), seems to be the most complex volcanic field. Magmatites in the last three areas have island arc signatures.
The within-plate volcanics rocks are high-K to ultra-K mafic igneous rocks (phonotephrites) accompanied by some
absarokite, shoshonite to Iatite .occurrences. Their age is Upper Miocene-Pliocene. These rocks are grouped in 4 areas:
Kumanovo, Skopje-SLNikole, Stip and Demir Kapija. The high Mg' and the high Cr-Ni contents of the phonotephrites,
together with Fo-rich olivine phenocrysts suggest their asthenospheric origin.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Natural sciences > Other natural sciences
Divisions: Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences
Depositing User: Blazo Boev
Date Deposited: 03 Dec 2012 13:01
Last Modified: 18 Jun 2013 10:09
URI: https://eprints.ugd.edu.mk/id/eprint/2934

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