The Importance of Diplomacy for the Foreign Policy and Modern Diplomacy Challenges

Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Runcheva-Tasev, Hristina and Magdinceva Sopova, Marija (2020) The Importance of Diplomacy for the Foreign Policy and Modern Diplomacy Challenges. IAI Academic Conference Proceedings. pp. 54-58. ISSN 2671-3179

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This paper analyses the importance of diplomacy for the foreign policy of the states. The paper is analysing
evolution of diplomacy from a new and innovative perspective. The key element in the analysis is a
concentration on the relationship between the diplomacy and foreign policy, and between states’ needs and the
functioning of the foreign policy. Also its related to the history of diplomacy and the ways in which modern
diplomacy is conducted.
In the paper we clarify the relations between diplomacy and foreign policy. The terms are often confused, but
they are not synonymous. Diplomacy is the most important, but not the only instrument of foreign policy.
Diplomacy as a method deals with the articulation of foreign policy. It is about the means, not the ends, of
foreign policy. Diplomacy thus serves as an great instrument of implementing foreign policy. In recent times, due to the deepening level of globalization and transnational activities, states also have to interact with nonstate actors.
Modern diplomacy which is different from the traditional one, requires a variety of skills, in particular: familiarity with the art of negotiation, ability to work in a multicultural environment, and openness to co-operation with different actors, in particular, civil society. Modern foreign policy has become quite complex, therefore the modern diplomacy is facing new challenges as technical developments and digitization. Also the paper underlined that reflecting general societal developments, there is need to be absorbed by diplomacy as part of state governance.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Social Sciences > Law
Social Sciences > Media and communications
Social Sciences > Political Science
Divisions: Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics
Depositing User: Aneta Stojanovska
Date Deposited: 05 Feb 2021 09:35
Last Modified: 05 Feb 2021 09:35

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