Child Sexual Abuse: Legal frame, mechanisms and future challenges in the Republic of Macedonia

Rogleva, Aleksandra and Doneva, Nada (2016) Child Sexual Abuse: Legal frame, mechanisms and future challenges in the Republic of Macedonia. Меѓународен годишник на факултетот за безбедност 2016/2. ISSN 1857-6508

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Child sexual abuse is а destructive socio - pathological and criminogenous phenomenon that has
recently emerged as an extremely serious social danger. Increased evidence of pedophilia and sexual abuse is
not only a result of the growing awareness for their reporting, but is mostly implicated by the inertia of the
legal authorities and the lack of their constructive protection policy. In most cases, victimized children suffer
long lasting psychological and psycho - social consequences. The growing common awareness of the social
implications of this danger emphasizes the need for intensifying measures and activities in the legal domain
above all, in order to coordinate and comprehensively response. The Republic of Macedonia in its efforts to
meet the demands of the ratified international conventions, continuously harmonizes the domestic legislative
with the EU regulations and directives, especially the Criminal Code by increasing the penalties for the child
abuse perpetrators. However, for the purpose of prevention and protection against child sexual abuse, a
coordinated social reaction is essential. This implies existence of protective interventions system which will
primarily cover different levels of prevention, detection and recognition of the abuse, providing the children
direct legal, health, socio - psychological care and rehabilitation as well as proper treatment of the
perpetrators. This paper, using the normative, inductive method, the method of historical analysis and the
method of comparison child sexual abuse analysis, deals with the issue of child sexual abuse in terms of legal
aspects, especially the ratified international conventions and the specific measures and instruments provided
by the Criminal Code of the Republic of Macedonia. Noted are detected deficiencies and proposed are
measures for overcoming them.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Social Sciences > Law
Divisions: Faculty of Law
Depositing User: Aleksandra Rogleva
Date Deposited: 29 Jan 2021 11:20
Last Modified: 29 Jan 2021 11:20

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