In-vitro evaluation of depth reading and quality of post space in the root canal using intraoral (IOS) compared to a laboratory scanner for CAD/CAM post and core

Daci, Arian and Kovacevska, Gordana and Dimova, Cena and Naskova, Sanja and Petkov, Marjan (2020) In-vitro evaluation of depth reading and quality of post space in the root canal using intraoral (IOS) compared to a laboratory scanner for CAD/CAM post and core. International Journal Knowledge, 43 (4). pp. 669-676. ISSN 2545-4439

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In everyday clinical practice we often meet patients who have residual (fractured or decayed)endodontically treated teeth that have lost or reduced coronary tooth structure, necessary for retention of future definitive restoration.Objectives:The purpose of thisin-vitro study was to assess the depth and quality of the post space reading in the root canal using an intraoral (IOS), compared to a laboratory scanner.Matherials and Methods:To make the reference master model, we used a mandibular factory model (Study Model KaVoTM), with movable acrylic teeth. At 37 teeth we have cut the coronary part 2mm above the gingival part. Then, with a burr for preparation in the root part of the movable teeth, we prepared two channels with a length of 8 and 10mm. After preparing the space for the postsfrom the post and core of the master model, we proceeded to take a digital impression using a Medit intraoral scanner (IOS) and scan with a 3-D optical laboratory scanner (NeWay, Open Technologies, Rezzato, Italy), connected to acomputer software (Exocad). With this procedure we created a virtual working model for making the first group of post and core/endocrown. We transferred the digital impressionin the form of a stl file to the Dental CAD software of EXOCAD and made a virtual working model for making the second group of post and core/endocrown.We designed post and core/endocrown on the virtual models. Then, we superimposedthe data from the scanned master model with a laboratory scanner in the form of STL-file with superposition with the data in the form of STL-file from the scanned master model with intraoral scanner so that the stay measurements are always between the same points. Then, we measured the depth and quality of the post space in the root channels of the virtualmodels with a digital measurement tool, comparing the results of both scanners with the results of the lengths of the fighters for the preparation of the post space of the master model.Results:The reading depth expressed in mm shows that the reading of the depth and quality of the postspace in the root canal using intra oral (IOS) compared to a laboratory scanner has 40 to 50% higher values. In two cases the digital technique achieved less than a 30% difference compared to the actual length of the post space. Larger values were measured in the distal prepared space with a wider opening.Conclusions:In this in vitro study, the virtual dimensional analysis proved that using iOS reading space compared to a lab scanner has significantly better results, but there are still limitations to the reading depth for the narrow channels of the model, compared with the length of the dental bursfor preparation with the help of a measuring instrument the micrometer screw indirectly with an accuracy of reading the measured value of 0.01 mm.Keywords: CAD/CAM post and core, intraoral scanner, lab scanner, digital impression, post space.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Medical and Health Sciences > Basic medicine
Medical and Health Sciences > Clinical medicine
Medical and Health Sciences > Health biotechnology
Medical and Health Sciences > Health sciences
Medical and Health Sciences > Other medical sciences
Divisions: Faculty of Medical Science
Depositing User: Cena Dimova
Date Deposited: 29 Jan 2021 10:01
Last Modified: 02 Feb 2021 08:23

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