Integrating E-Learning across Teachers Curriculum

Zdravev, Zoran (2006) Integrating E-Learning across Teachers Curriculum. [Project]

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Restructuring and developing the teachers training curricilum and establishing modern training facilities, maintained by all four Pedagogical and Teachers Training Faculties from three Universities in Republic of Macedonia, on the basis of:
•Revising, reconstructing and developing new core undergraduate and post-graduate courses that will incorporate electronic learning into the teaching methodology and practice,
•Establishing E-Learning environment as a curriculum support, with upgrading the technical facilities,
•Professionalizing and (re)-training teacher-trainers and students in technology supported teaching/learning,
•Acquiring experiences and becoming familiar with new paradigms and innovative teaching methods put into practice by the EU partners.
Based on our project experience and lessons learned, to develop a general model for E-Learning integration into teaching as a strategy for sustainable development.

Item Type: Project
Subjects: Natural sciences > Computer and information sciences
Divisions: Faculty of Computer Science
Depositing User: Marijana Kroteva
Date Deposited: 30 Nov 2012 14:10
Last Modified: 03 Dec 2012 13:41

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