Diabetes Care in Republic of Macedonia: Challenges and Opportunities

Smokovski, Ivica (2015) Diabetes Care in Republic of Macedonia: Challenges and Opportunities. Annals of Global Health, 81 (6). ISSN 2214-9996

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B A C K G R O U N D The Republic of Macedonia (RoM) has experienced a rapid rise in the prevalence of
type 2 diabetes (T2D) over the past 2 decades, a period characterized by significant social, political, and
economic change. RoM now has one of the highest rates of diabetes in Europe.
O B J E C T I V E S To explore the modifiable conditions that may underlie and exacerbate the T2D epidemic;
describe the state of diabetes care; and consider improved mechanisms for prevention and
treatment, including research priorities, in RoM.
M E T H O D S Methods included data mining from reliable sources and collaboration of authors to
consider and describe applications of research from outside RoM and to identify evidence-based
strategies to reduce the burden of T2D in RoM.
F I N D I N G S In 2014, the national prevalence of diabetes was 11.44% of the population (20-79 years) of
RoM. Per capita caloric intake has increased significantly over the past 2 decades, with the majority of these calories coming from sugar, pork, chicken, beef, and sunflower oil. Excess calories, in the form
of nutrient-deficient foods, animal products, and added oils promote insulin resistance and T2D. Tobacco
use and lack of physical activity also contribute to the diabetes epidemic. Insulin, especially insulin
analogues, are widely available and used to manage diabetes, often over other interventions that are
more appropriate for patients with T2D, and more frequently than in other more developed countries,
resulting in higher and unsustainable related costs.
C O N C L U S I O N S A new National eHealth System allows for better identification and monitoring of
citizens with diabetes. However, the rapidly growing expense of insulin in the past has been unsustainable.
The potential exists for a stronger role for lifestyle interventions in prevention and treatment of
T2D. Significant changes in dietary patterns parallel the rise in diabetes prevalence and are likely a
leading cause of diabetes and its complications. Research in RoM is needed to determine the impact and
acceptability of dietary interventions for prevention and treatment of T2D, as a first step toward
reduction of diabetes prevalence and its complications and controlling spiraling health care costs.

Item Type: Article
Impact Factor Value: 2.037
Subjects: Medical and Health Sciences > Clinical medicine
Divisions: Faculty of Medical Science
Depositing User: Ivica Smokovski
Date Deposited: 01 Jun 2020 10:33
Last Modified: 01 Jun 2020 10:41
URI: https://eprints.ugd.edu.mk/id/eprint/24074

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