Socio- economic inequalities at the health of groups with various socio-economic status

Panova, Gordana and Panova, Blagica and Mircevska, Lence and Mojsoska, Snezana and Panov, Nenad (2012) Socio- economic inequalities at the health of groups with various socio-economic status. Трећи конгрес лекара опште медицине Србије са међународним учешћем, Београд, Србија.

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The main scientific aim of this research is the analyses of the soci-economic situation of the people at various socio-economicv groups at the municipality of Stip and some rural areas (R Macedonia), in particular the socio-economic status and the determination of its influence over the health condition of the population. Of the 680 persons examined 430 or 63.23% were reported to have poor health, while 250 or 36.77% to be healthy. According to the results of a survey on morbidity according to specific causes, the most common are: diseases of the heart and blood vessels, 165 persons or 24.20%, then the respiratory system 60 or 8.80%, the digestive system 37 or 5.50%, mental disorders 35 or 5.10%, etc..
Specific morbidity by age shows that diseases of the heart and blood vessels suffer mostly older age groups of 61-70 years, which is a representation of 193 or 28,39% of the total morbidity. Respiratory diseases commonly occurring in the youngest age group 18-30 years, while diseases of the digestive system most commonly aged 31-40 years.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: morbidity, mortality, socio-economic status, education, occupation, employment, health service, Stip.
Subjects: Medical and Health Sciences > Basic medicine
Divisions: Faculty of Medical Science
Depositing User: Gordana Panova
Date Deposited: 27 Aug 2013 11:17
Last Modified: 10 Feb 2014 14:54

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