Optimal measures against weeds in the cotton

Spasova, Dragica (2003) Optimal measures against weeds in the cotton. Годишен зборник за заштита на растенијата, XIV. pp. 175-186. ISSN 1409-5084

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Оптимални мерки за борба против плевелите во памукот.pdf

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In the period of 1998-2000 there were done the examinations with seven herbicides variants (threephluraline, pendymethaline, metholaflore, linurone, phromrtrine, metholaflore+phromrtrine and achetodhlore) and three control variants (with one digging up, with two diggings up and without digging up), with than main aim for founding the optimal measures against weeds in the cotton fields.
The averages weedy of the experiment is relative high and is 233,9 plants per m2. The efficient coefficient of control of the weeds in average is from 76,5% in the metholaflore to 94,8% in the metholaflore+phromrtrine. The examined weedkilers do not influence negatively on the cotton yield.
It was concluded, from the three years investigation, that the optimal measure against the weeds in cotton fields is the weeklies+one digging up.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: cotton, weeds, weedkilers, digging up
Subjects: Agricultural Sciences > Other agricultural sciences
Divisions: Faculty of Agriculture
Depositing User: Dragica Spasova
Date Deposited: 28 Nov 2012 13:29
Last Modified: 11 Jun 2013 12:53
URI: https://eprints.ugd.edu.mk/id/eprint/2340

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