
UMDGC2013 | Modern Government Panel - Dejan Marolov

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Објавено на 19.8.2014

Dejan Marolov, University of Goce Delčev, Faculty of Law, presented his paper titled, "The Relations Between Macedonia and Serbia" during a modern government panel at the 4th UMD Global Conference held in Skopje, Macedonia on July 27, 2013.

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The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD), the leading voice for the Macedonian Diaspora worldwide, hosted its fourth Annual UMD Global Conference in our ancestral and historical homeland, Macedonia July 24 - August 2, 2013.

The theme of the conference – Macedonia 2013: 100 Years After the Treaty of Bucharest – coincided with the 100th anniversary of the completion of the Balkans Wars and the signing of the Treaty of Bucharest.

For more information on last year's Global Conference, visit

Video Production: Pobeda Piskaceva

Video Editing: Filip Jotevski


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