The Bektashi Sect, under the Light of Sari Saltuk Legends, in Albania

Celik, Mahmut and Sulejmani, Umit (2017) The Bektashi Sect, under the Light of Sari Saltuk Legends, in Albania. Bal-Tam Türklük Bilgisi. ISSN 1452-2179

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Sarı Saltuk led to the Islamization and the Turkification of the Balkans in the 13th century, and he won the affection of the people of the other religions through humanitarian activities.
After the entry of Ottoman Empire into the territory of the Balkans, together with the Islam wasentered and installed also the language and at the same time the Islam culture, which are stillpresent. In the same way, the Naqshbandi, Mevlevi, Kadiri, Sa`di, Rifai and particularly Bektashisects were expanded between the local population and in the towns and cities they built anundetermined number of mausoleums and dervish lodges called tekke.
Sarı Saltuk is a prominent figure for the Balkans, especially for the Albanians. He has been a major contribution to bring the language of peace and tolerance to this lands centuries ago. We have to emphasize that the language which was brought by this adorable person must be taught to the new and young generations.
The role of Bektashi order in the religion, political and cultural life of Albanian people is significant.Almost in every town it could be found Bektashi lodge. But, unfortunately we don't have enoughinformation about the number of this lodges in XVIII and XIX centuries it's because of destroying of the sacred places in the period of one-party regime.
The Bektashi order in Albaniahas a particular characteristics. The Bektashi order among the people in Albania is the most likedand the most expanded sect. The Albanian people think that for the expansion of Bektashi order inAlbania, the significant role played the Sari Saltuk`s legends and sagas.
Key words: Albania, Sari Saltik, Bektashi order, Legends, Lodges.
Elementary School “Vrapciste“, Republic of Macedonia

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Humanities > Languages and literature
Divisions: Faculty of Philology
Depositing User: Mahmut Celik
Date Deposited: 09 Oct 2017 11:25
Last Modified: 09 Oct 2017 11:25

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