Природниот прираст и неговите импликации врз промените во националната структура на населението во југозападниот дел од Република Македонија

Dimitrov, Nikola (2001) Природниот прираст и неговите импликации врз промените во националната структура на населението во југозападниот дел од Република Македонија. Зборник на трудови - Втор конгрес на географите од Република Македонија. pp. 141-152.

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The researches on the natural insease and the changes of the natural stucfire of the natural sticfire of the Republic of Masedonia are of national inferiest, this issue ueeds thorough and fast report wich,at the same time vill be a special sontribution to demogeography .Through the
example we'are presenting,which refers only to the townships of the South - West rart of the R. of Macedonia, we will give the resons and the impact of the changes of the national structure happening in the last 50 years, whish shanges are mainly caised bu the natural migration of the population. The researches show diametrically different tendencies of the development of the natural migration,whish on the other hand influeuce the natural structure,mainly with the Macedouian and Albanian population. Accordingly,the national strusture is observend partially fromregional-geographic,demogeograrhic and socio-geographic aspect.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Macedonians,Albanians and offers,reasous, consegueuces,impact,South- west part of the Republic of Macedonia.
Subjects: Engineering and Technology > Other engineering and technologies
Divisions: Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics
Depositing User: Nikola Dimitrov
Date Deposited: 23 Nov 2012 08:22
Last Modified: 19 Jun 2013 08:38
URI: https://eprints.ugd.edu.mk/id/eprint/1735

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