The idioms with the component heart in English and in Macedonian.

Nikolovska, Violeta (2016) The idioms with the component heart in English and in Macedonian. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific and Applicative Papers. ISSN 1857-92

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The idioms are the linguistic creation in one language that features the spirit of the people and its culture. They are formed in the process of metaphorization, metonymy, personification, etc. They are a picture of a life experience. The idioms are characterized by an coherence and a rigid structure, stability and the reproducibility and the process of desemantization. The desemantization means that at least one of the components of the idiom partially or completely changed its meaning and the idiom has gained the new meaning, different from the sum of the basic meanings of its constituent components. According to the cognitive linguistics, the metaphors are links between the concepts, but not between the lexemes. Their conceptual occurrence is conditioned by different physical and cultural factors. Majority of the idioms are based on conceptual metaphors. In this paper, we will analyze the idioms with the component heart in English and Macedonian language. We will begin with the English idioms, taken from the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary by Hornby (2006) and will try to found out the appropriate equivalent expressions into Macedonian language. If no suitable expressions are to be found, we will state the paraphrase of the idiom. The analysis of the idioms will be based on the theoretical settings of cognitive linguistics, which were introduced by the famous linguists Lakoff and Johnson, in their book entitled "Metaphors We Live By" (Lakoff and Johnson 2003). According to the grammatical structure, we will take into consideration the idioms that have the structure of a sentence and of a phrase. With this paper we want to present that there are universal ways of structuring the conceptual system in humans, according to the reality in which we live in. The stability of that conceptual system includes the structure of the idioms as linguistic expressions and therefore appear similarities between the idioms in Macedonian and English language.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Humanities > Languages and literature
Divisions: Faculty of Educational Science
Depositing User: Violeta Nikolovska
Date Deposited: 25 Oct 2016 13:06
Last Modified: 25 Oct 2016 13:06

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