
Future Access Enablers for Ubiquitous and Intelligent Infrastructures

Volume 159 of the series Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering pp 197-203


Simulation Analysis of DoS, MITM and CDP Security Attacks and Countermeasures

  • Biljana TanceskaAffiliated withFaculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, Saints Cyril and Methodius University
  • , Mitko BogdanoskiAffiliated withMilitary Academy “General Mihailo Apostolski”, Goce Delcev University
  • , Aleksandar RisteskiAffiliated withFaculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, Saints Cyril and Methodius University Email author 

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In this paper, an analysis of security attacks on network elements along with the appropriate countermeasures is presented. The network topology that has been attacked is designed in GNS3 software tool installed on Windows operating system, while the attacks are performed in Kali Linux operating system. Three groups of security attacks (Denial of Service, Man in the Middle, and Control Plane attacks) are observed in simulation scenarios with a detailed analysis on each of them, followed by a presentation of practical performance and ways of prevention (protection) against the attacks.


GNS3 software tool Kali linux OS Network topology Attacks Denial of service Man in the middle Control plane Prevention