Communication in Public Administration (комуникацијата во јавната администрација

Dzamtoska-Zdravkovska, Suzana (2012) Communication in Public Administration (комуникацијата во јавната администрација. Makedonska rec, Skopje. ISBN 978-608-225-061-8

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Requirements for transparency, accountability and citizens' participation as priorities of good governance impose the need to establish a higher level of communication in public institutions. Thus, in theory and in practice, more attention is paid to the internal communication as the key to development and successful functioning of an institution, at the same time as a prerequisite for the establishment of an effective external communication.
Practicing effective communication management emerged as an important prerequisite for effective and efficient implementation of a series of reforms in the public administration aimed at meeting the criteria of good governance as a challenge to modern democratic societies. In this respect, institutional communication can be successful only if they develop efficient mechanisms for information exchange, and internal and external communication methods complement and support each other.
This monograph edition focuses on communication as an integral part of public management - with special emphasis on communication in the state administration bodies in the Republic of Macedonia. The emphasis is on internal communication in terms of information exchange for the particular area and activity. There are many factors that influence the way of the development of communication in public institutions. But first, the key questions: What are the forms and the forms of internal communication in the state administration? Whether and how they are applied in practice? Whether exchanging of information between employees is easy or difficult? Are normative regulation of internal communication, in accordance with the actual needs of employees for the purpose of efficient execution of work duties, is imperative to establish a communication system with effective and efficient exchange of information?
Through the answers to these and many other issues, this book aims to present the situation of internal communication in the state administration bodies in the Republic of Macedonia. It can serve the students in the field of communications, public relations management, public administration and related study programs; could encourage future research and debate to strengthen the level of communication in public institutions in the Republic of Macedonia, and that way the need for its regulation. This monograph edition with its research and analysis can serve many experts in the field of communication and public administration, but also it can be very useful for the creators of public administration reform in the Republic of Macedonia.

Item Type: Book
Subjects: Social Sciences > Media and communications
Divisions: Faculty of Law
Depositing User: Suzana Dzamtoska Zdravkovska
Date Deposited: 19 Nov 2012 10:13
Last Modified: 19 Nov 2012 10:13

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